
Showing posts from March, 2021

One sheets

        Cade Boden Underwater Hunt Background: You are located in an underwater world in search of the treasure chest within the sea. Spacial types: Narrow Space: I found narrow space to be a tight space that the player will need to walk into. I created an entrance pathway which I was trying to make  a little like a crevice that the player would need to walk his way through.  Intimate space: In the book it talks about this space being an area where the player can test out their controls, such as jumping, shooting and other mechanics. Thinking this way, I choose to create a space in the middle of the map where a player would be able to do those actions, such as jumping and shooting for testing. Prospect Space: This area is described as being a large open area and I used this in most of the places I showed one of the monuments within the level. Connect to its a labyrinth/maze: In the book, it classifies a labyrinth as a maze like levels except that it is a ...